Third Derivative Calculator

Are you curious to know how the third derivative problem is solved? Then you should use our third derivative calculator which will minimize your curiosity by giving step-by-step solutions.


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Introduction to Third Derivative Calculator

A triple derivative calculator is a differential tool, designed to calculate the third derivative of a given function. It helps you to find the solution to the rate of change of acceleration problem in the run of time.

Our third order derivative calculator is handy for students, teachers, and lecturers who need more time to solve high-order derivative problems for making assignments, reports, and research analyses.

third derivative calculator

Further, our Calculator offers a convenient and efficient way to compute third derivatives, facilitating mathematical analysis and research across various domains. If you would like to compute the fourth derivative of the given function, you can utilize our fourth degree derivative calculator.

Whether you're a student, mathematician, engineer, or scientist, this calculator can aid in various applications requiring the analysis of higher-order derivatives.

What is the Third Derivative?

The third derivative or third-order derivative is the rate at which the second derivative, is changing instantaneously. Derivation is the central concept of a multivariable function in calculus.

The third derivative of a function describes the rate of change of the second derivative. It provides further information about how the curvature of the function is changing.

Additionally, if you would like to compute the second derivative of the function, you can be use our double derivative calculator. This calculator allows you to compute the second derivative of a given function, providing insights into concavity, inflection points, and more.

Notation Used by the 3rd Derivative Calculator:

The third derivative of a function is represented as,

$$ \frac{d^3 y}{dx^3} , f’’’ (x) , or \frac{d^3}{dx^3} [f(x)] $$

Additionally, for a comprehensive tool that can compute derivatives of various orders and for different functions, you can utilize our derive calculator. This calculator allows you to compute derivatives of any order for a given function, providing flexibility and convenience in calculus tasks.

Evaluation Method of Triple Derivative Calculator

The third derivative calculator is used to evaluate the third-order derivative problem with three times differentiating the function.

When you enter the triple derivative function in this third order derivative calculator, it checks the nature of the function whether it is rational, irrational, polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic functions, etc.

After checking the nature of the function, It starts derivative with respect to the given variable x,y,z. After that, it takes the second and third derivatives successively and gives the results of a triple-order derivative problem.

Further, for a more comprehensive tool that can handle partial derivatives for multivariable functions, you may want to explore our partial differentiation calculator. This calculator allows you to compute partial derivatives with respect to one or more variables of a multivariable function, offering versatility in calculus tasks involving functions of multiple variables.

Let's take an example of a third-order derivation to know how the 3rd derivative calculator solves the problem.

Example of Third Derivation Function:

It is easy to find third order derivation with the help of our third derivative calculator. But its also important to solves the problems manually.


Find the third derivative of:

$$ y’’’ \; if \; y \;=\; \frac{1}{x} $$


$$ y \;=\; \frac{1}{x} \;=\; x^{-1} $$

$$ y’ \;=\; -1x^{-2} \;=\; -\frac{1}{x^2} $$

$$ y’’ \;=\; (-1)(-2) x^{-3} \;=\; \frac{(-1)^2 2!}{x^3} $$

$$ y’’’ \;=\; (-1)(-2)(-3)x^{-4} \;=\; \frac{(-1)^3 3!}{x^4} $$

Thus it is the final solution of our function with specific limits. Further, if you want to find the nth derivative of this third derivative result, you can use our higher order derivatives calculator. You would apply the power rule iteratively for each derivative until you reach the nth derivative.

Outcome Obtained from Third Derivative Calculator

The result of your given third-order differentiation function determined instantly. There are also some other options along with the solution which are,

  • Result section will give you a solution to the problem
  • Possible step button provides step by step solution
  • Recalculate button will bring you back to the home page for further calculation.

Moreover, for tasks involving directional derivatives and functions of multiple variables, you can utilize our directional derivative online calculator. This calculator allows you to compute the directional derivative of a multivariable function in a specific direction, providing valuable insights into the rate of change of the function along that direction.

How to Use the Third Order Derivative Calculator?

The 3rd derivative calculator is an easy-to-use tool for differentiating higher-order derivatives in one click. You need to follow our instructions while using it.

  • Enter the third derivative function in the input box
  • Choose your specific variable for the solution of the third derivative question.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the solution of the third derivative function.

Why do You Need a Third Derivative Calculator?

Evaluating the derivative problems is difficult to solve because you have to calculate the first derivative of a function then the second and last third order. That means it is problematic to solve derivation for those who have less practice in differentiation because It is a lengthy and complex process of calculation manually.

Anyone can use this 3rd derivative calculator whether a student or a professional who aims to understand calculus concepts better or wants to get deep information about derivation for mathematical analysis or research.

For a deeper analysis of functions, consider using our points of inflection calculator, which identifies inflection points where the concavity of a curve changes. This additional calculator enhances your understanding of the behavior of functions.

Our Third Derivative Calculator offers a convenient and efficient way to compute third derivatives, facilitating mathematical analysis and research across various domains. Explore the calculator today to streamline your derivative calculations and gain insights into the behavior of functions.

Advantages of Using Our Calculator:

Triple derivative calculator provides a lot of benefits while using it for differentiation.

There are some benefits which are given below.

  1. Our third order derivative calculator has a simple method so users can easily understand it.
  2. This calculator is a free online mathematical tool
  3. You can get a better understanding with graphs.
  4. Our 3rd derivative calculator is a reliable tool that gives you accurate results.
  5. The third derivative calculator provides the solution with steps.
  6. It takes you away from the manual calculation of derivation which is lengthy.

For more mathematical tools and calculators, you can explore our collection of All Calculators, where you'll find a wide range of tools to assist you in various mathematical and scientific tasks.

Frequently Asked Question

What is Third Derivative Test

In calculus, the third derivative test is not commonly used for determining the nature of the critical point as the first and second derivative tests are used. Nevertheless, the third derivative test can give information about the nature of the graph of the function.

What does the Third Derivative Tell You

The third derivative of a function gives information about the rate of change of a second derivative function. You can understand how to find the third derivative. In simple words, it tells us about the change in acceleration of a function over time.

On a graph, if the third derivative is positive, the curve of the function becomes steeper upwards and if the third derivative is negative then the curve of the function becomes steeper downwards. If the third derivative is zero then this means the acceleration is not changing.

Is the Third Derivative Positive or Negative?

Whether the third derivative is positive or negative depends upon the point on which you are evaluating the derivative and the specific function. This will help you to know how to find third derivative. A general way to represent the sign of the third derivative is given below,

  • Determine the third derivative of the specific function.
  • Choose a specific value and substitute it into a third derivative to calculate it.
  • Now understand the sign. If the third derivative is positive, it means that the acceleration in increasing for the function. If the third derivative is negative, it means that the acceleration is decreasing for the function.

What is Third Derivative Test Point of Inflection

The third derivative test is used to calculate the nature of the point of inflection on a graph of the function. A point of inflection is a point where the graph of the function changes its concavity, from concave up to concave down.

The third derivative test is used to find the inflection point of that point if the second derivative at a point is zero. But if the third derivative is not zero at that point then it means the function has a point of inflection.